Proud to be celebrating 170 years in business

Legal Services for Business

As a business owner, or an aspiring one, you want lawyers who speak your language - people who understand the financial, time, and competitive pressures that you face.

You need experienced professionals who find practical solutions to problems when they arise. Above all, people that you can trust.

It’s a big ask, but you’ll find them at Biscoes - your business lawyers for:

  • Bank guarantees and security documents - if you are raising funds by way of a bank loan or other finance, it is likely that the lender will require some sort of guarantee or security. Our lawyers at Biscoes can advise in relation to such documents so that you can make an informed decision about how to proceed in light of your exposure
  • Buying and selling businesses - are you buying or selling the shares or assets of a business? Do you need to agree Head’s of Terms? Are you providing a consultancy following completion of a sale? Our lawyers at Biscoes can assist with all aspects of your business sale or purchase;
  • Employment services - do you have an employee who is not achieving targets? Do you have an employee who has raised a grievance? Or are you in the process of making staff redundant? These are just some of the ways the employment team at Biscoes can assist you;
  • Corporate immigration;
  • Corporate law;
  • Directors obligations - do you understand your duties as a director and what steps can be taken if you are in breach of your duties? Our lawyers at Biscoes can help guide you through and understand the actions that you should and should not be undertaking to fulfil your duties;
  • Shareholders Agreements;
  • Business disputes - are you in dispute with a supplier or a customer? Or with one of your fellow directors or shareholders? Our lawyers at Biscoes can assist you in reaching a resolution to the dispute so that you can focus on the important stuff, like growing your business;
  • Commercial contracts - do you need a contract to govern the relationship with one of your customers or suppliers for a particular project? Or standard terms and conditions to be used in all of your dealings? Or do you need a shareholders agreement to govern the relationship between yourself and other shareholders? No matter what type of contract you require, the lawyers at Biscoes can help;
  • Notary services - do you have documents that need to be used in foreign courts for property litigation? Does your company import, export or otherwise conduct business abroad? If so, you may require documents to be notarised by a notary public. At Biscoes, we have two Notary Publics who would be happy to discuss with you any requirements that you have and how they can help.
  • Insolvency - are you experiencing personal financial difficulties? Or is your business in trouble? Our lawyers at Biscoes can help guide you through this difficult time to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome for yourself and your business.

Listed above are just some of the ways that the lawyers at Biscoes can assist you with the smooth running of your business. The lawyers in our commercial team have more than 100 years post-qualification experience between them and will be on hand to assist with all of your needs.

As business owners, our clients want to see their businesses grow from strength to strength.  They want to ensure that they and their employees are secure and that they prosper.

Biscoes’ commercial and corporate lawyers help our clients achieve their objectives. Whether the business is taking on staff or premises, taking on a new investor, or acquiring a business, we can help navigate the legal difficulties and guide you through the processes. We can help protect you against some of the risks that come with being in business.

If you are going into business with someone else, we can help you to protect your investment and to make arrangements so that you and your business partners work together on a basis that works for everyone and is fair to everyone.  We can also help you to put in place arrangements that will protect your family’s financial position if some unforeseen event should befall you.

And, in times of transition, we can assist in disposing of property, and, when the time comes, in selling your business, or transferring it to the next generation of owners.

And yes, things can go wrong.  We will aim to stand by you and guide you when problems arise.

For further information or to speak to one of our experts, please get in touch