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Cyclist receives £17,500 after being knocked off his bike
The claimant, a 70-year-old man, received £17,500 for the injuries to the left leg he sustained in a road traffic accident in January 2016. He used crutches for 10 weeks, was unable to drive for approximately three months and had a metal rod placed in the leg which caused him pain but could be removed in the future.
On 14 January 2016 the man was cycling round a roundabout when he was hit by a vehicle driven by the defendant (D). He was knocked to the ground.
Emergency services were called to the accident location and provided the man with medical attention. He was subsequently admitted to hospital where he remained for 11 days. A 44cm metal rod was placed in the leg for support and he did not wish to undergo surgery. His injuries subsequently healed well but he continued to suffer pain in the leg.
He used crutches for 10 weeks and resumed driving in April 2016. Due to his age he was not working at the date of the accident.
The man was advised that if the metal rod were removed from the leg that the pain would improve but that it would continue if the rod remained in situ.
The man instructed a specialist personal injury solicitor to pursue a claim for compensation. He alleged that D was negligent in driving without adequate care.
Liability was admitted and an out of Court Settlement was agreed in the sum of £17,500.
Johnathan Steventon-Kiy, specialist personal injury lawyer, says:
“Claims for personal injury are very complex and input from specialist solicitors is required to ensure that the Claimant receives the compensation that they deserve. If you, or anyone you know, has suffered injuries as a result of an accident that was not your fault, contact Biscoes Solicitors for a free consultation and advice. We are able to pursue claims on a no win no fee basis.”
Contact our specialist personal injury, medical negligence and industrial disease solicitors on 0800 413 463 or visit for more information. You can also follow us on twitter using the handle @biscoesmedneg
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