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Man receives over £420,000 following accident with a tractor
The widow and personal representative of the estate of a man (X) who died in December 2017, aged 49, received £420,343 for the brain injury he suffered whilst using farm equipment at work although liability was disputed. He suffered cognitive impairment, left-sided hemiparesis, partial loss of sight, a change of personality and epilepsy and he died following a seizure.
On 8 April 2016 X, who carried out work for the defendants (D), was instructed by D to use a tractor and tow chain to retrieve a tractor stuck in mud. The tractor had become stuck when pulling a seed drill. X and a colleague used two tow chains to attach their tractor to the stuck tractor and the drill. When X began to tow the machines, one of the chains was not strong enough and so it snapped and whiplashed into X's cab where it struck him on the head.
As a result of the accident, X experienced cognitive impairment, left-sided hemiparesis, loss of sight in the right eye and a facial injury. His personality also changed.
X was unable to return to work and developed epilepsy. On 27 December 2017 he suffered a seizure and subsequently died, aged 49.
Following the accident, the Claimant, as the widow and personal representative of X's estate, instructed a specialist personal injury solicitor to pursue a claim for compensation. The Claimant alleged that D was negligent in failing to take reasonable care of X's health and safety in the course of his employment, in particular, in failing to provide both a safe system of work and adequate plant and equipment.
Liability was disputed although an out of Court settlement was eventually agreed in the sum of £420,343.
Johnathan Steventon-Kiy, specialist personal injury lawyer, says:
“Claims for personal injury are very complex and input from specialist solicitors is required to ensure that the Claimant receives the compensation that they deserve. If you, or anyone you know, has suffered injuries as a result of an accident that was not your fault, contact Biscoes Solicitors for a free consultation and advice. We are able to pursue claims on a no win no fee basis.”
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