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Figures obtained by the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) show that victims of crime risk being under-compensated to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds for their injuries through the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) if their compensation decisions are not challenged.
APIL has found that of the 379 cases which went to Appeal in 2022/23, the CICA had initially offered an average of £7,848 for each claim. However, at Appeal, the damages awarded increased to an average payout of £47,339 – six times more per person.
APIL Vice President Kim Harrison said “The CICA tells victims of crime that they do not need to appoint a legal representative to pursue their claim. But these figures clearly suggest that victims are not receiving the compensation to which they are entitled if they don’t have legal assistance”
The full APIL press release can be read here here
David Hawkins, a specialist in abuse compensation law with Biscoes said “Although the CICA say that they will deal fairly with unrepresented applicants to the scheme, I have spoken to many people who have come to me frustrated by the CICA’s processes. From my own experience, in order that people receive the compensation they deserve, it is important to take legal advice.” If anyone has been affected by these issues, please get in touch with us and we can advise you in complete confidence as to your legal rights.